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Previous Tutorial: Creating a record page
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Record List Pages are Pages with at least one list of records. Their primary purpose is record navigation.
In the left menu bar, click on “Pages”.
Enter a page name of “Catalog Browser” and click “Create Page”
Type “catalogbrowser” as the “Handle” and hit “Save and close”.
Click on the “Page Builder” for Catalog Browser, then hit “+Add block”.
Select “Record List”.
In the “General” tab, type “Catalog Browser”.
In the “Record List” tab, select “Catalog” from the “Module” line.
From the “Available items” list, select Department, Document Name, Created by and Created at. The hit “Add block”.
Re-size the block by dragging and dropping it to occupy the maximum space available. Hit “Save and close”.
Drag and drop the Page Title “Record Page for Module ‘Catalog'” into/over the Page Title “Catalog Browser”. This establishes a parent/child relationship.
For a more detailed definition of Record List Pages their purpose, read our documentation.
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