Entries by Niall McCarthy

Why Are Standards In Technology Important?

As the world simultaneously tackles health crises, social crises and economic crises, this might seem an impossible question to answer. I would argue that a major priority is to stay informed about the facts and different points of view with respect to the facts. However, even this is hard to do when standards of reporting […]

Why Automate Your Business?

Automation promises great things, but knowing why you want to automate and not simply following the crowd is important.  Corteza Corredor Automation Engine Benefits The Corredor Automation Engine in Corteza open-source low-code platform increases productivity while driving down costs. It helps to think of automation in the context of an entire digital transformation strategy. However, […]

Can Anyone Create An App?

The reasons the “No-Code Low-Code” market exists are to: Drive down the technical barriers to app building Lower the costs associated with app building Reduce the time-to-market for new apps Drive up the agility of businesses and their capacity to respond to changing market conditions This means that thanks to No-Code Low-Code now anyone can […]

Amazon Honeycode? A Feature-Poor Alternative to Crust Low-Code

You may heard that Amazon is dipping its toe in the No-Code/Low-Code market. It’s worth mentioning that it’s early days for Honeycode and the offering is still in beta. However, on the evidence so far, it’s aimed at very small businesses and limited use cases. This is definitely not Amazon aiming for the enterprise market.

Crust is Spreading its Wings

Since we launched in March 2019, Crust CRM Suite has established itself as the de facto open-source alternative to Salesforce. Self-funded, profitable in our first year of trading and equipped with an order book delivering over a year’s worth of cash runway, Crust Technology is already on target to grow between 200% and 300% in […]

How to Use Rapid Application Development

The Corteza low-code Platform leads the way in the field of open-source low-code development. That’s because it’s flexible and intuitive. And it delivers results in a fraction of the time it takes others to get similar outcomes. Though inspired by Salesforce “Lightning”, Crust improves the build process, making it more agile and responsive to your […]