Entries by Vagisha Arora

In What Ways Is Telemedicine Changing The Business Of Healthcare?

Telemedicine is defined as providing and distributing healthcare services, resources, and information through telecommunication. Telemedicine has many benefits for healthcare provision firms, such as reduced financial expenditure, improved access to healthcare resources, more convenience, and better patient experiences. Studies show that 78% of respondents that received telehealth services were satisfied with their experience. Therefore, as […]

Why Do You Need A Content Tracker?

A content tracker is defined as a tool that can help modern businesses efficiently and accurately track the performance of their content during the production and distribution process. Content tracking has a wide variety of benefits that modern businesses can take advantage of such as generating new ideas for future content, monitoring your business’s presence […]

Which Tools Does Your Team Need To Perform Better?

One of the most crucial factors of creating a successful organization is high level of productivity and efficiency. Therefore, your business should constantly try to find ways to improve organizational productivity and introduce new tools to help your team perform better. There are numerous tools that your teams can utilize to improve employee performance and […]

Can a Low-Code Platform Be Truly Free?

The language commonly used to describe commercially available software can often seem highly technical and complicated. It can be somewhat tricky for average users to decipher and understand. Therefore, many users may not truly understand the meaning of a low-code, open-source platform and what exactly it entails. Although many platforms may advertise themselves as completely […]

What Is The Best Way To Launch A Successful Fundraising Campaign?

A fundraising campaign is any event or campaign that is established to raise financial resources for a particular cause or mission. If fundraisers are not adequately launched and managed throughout a particular campaign, it can not only significantly impact your organization but can also be detrimental to the fundraiser’s intended recipient. Therefore, it is extremely […]

How Can You Improve Patient Satisfaction?

One of the most crucial aspects of the healthcare provision process is improving patient satisfaction. Improving patient satisfaction has many benefits that healthcare institutions and organizations should take advantage of, such as increased patient retention rates, efficient healthcare provision processes, better clinical health outcomes, and much more. Recent studies have shown that the loss of […]

Is Low-Code The Future?

Low-code is defined as a visual approach to application development that allows citizen developers with little to no traditional coding experience to create robust and high functioning enterprise applications using visual editors and on-screen guidance. Studies show that the global low-code application development industry is expected to reach a total revenue of approximately $187 billion […]

Could Workflows Make Hospitals More Efficient?

Hospitals are one of the most critical foundations and frameworks for a healthy and safe society. However, as the amount of data that hospitals are expected to track continues to increase exponentially, manually keeping track of organizational data is becoming more challenging than ever. Due to the high-risk situations hospitals are usually placed in, human […]

Which CRM Is The Cheapest?

Managing funds is an extremely important aspect of achieving operational success for any business, especially small businesses with already scarce financial resources. Furthermore, a CRM platform is a necessary tool that any business can leverage to keep track of client relationships and organizational data. Recent studies have shown that the average return on investment for […]

How To Protect My Company Data?

As our current business landscape continues to evolve, the amount of data that businesses are expected to collect, track and analyze daily is increasing at an exponential rate. However, with increasing amounts of data, there is also a growing need to protect your company’s sensitive data. If your company’s data falls into the wrong hands, […]