What Is a Business Process?

A business process is a set of comprehensive tasks and steps performed by company stakeholders to achieve an existing organisational goal or objective. Your business productivity is defined by your company’s ability to manage its business processes and delegate existing resources towards them. This process is known as business process management.

Managers are slowly realising the utility of business process management. The global business process management industry is expected to be worth between $13 billion and $14 billion by 2021. Business process management can help your business automate and optimise business activities to achieve targets and milestones much faster. Read more

What does BPMN mean?

Business process management is a vital component of all business operation procedures. It’s crucial to companies for automation, modulation, and optimization of workflows and business activities. According to Forbes magazine, companies lose around 20% to 30% of their revenue due to ineffective processes. A standardised modelling solution is hence needed to save businesses from crashing. This is where BPMN comes in.

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a standardised flow chart representation method that visually depicts the sequence of a planned process. It is a powerful tool that aids business process management and makes interdisciplinary coordination easier. It communicates everything from messaging-flow between participants to varied tasks for the members involved. BPMN is the base for business process diagrams (BPD). Read more