Use a No-Code AI App-Builder to Build a Underwriting Assessment App

How No-Code AI App-Builders Are Disrupting Underwriting Assessment App Development

Underwriting is a critical process in the insurance industry that involves assessing risk and determining policy pricing. Traditionally, underwriting has been a manual and time-consuming process relying on human underwriters reviewing applications and making decisions. However, insurers are increasingly looking to automation and AI to streamline underwriting and improve efficiency. This is where a no-code AI app-builder is a game changer for underwriting assessment.

Automating the underwriting process has numerous benefits for insurers. It speeds up the application process, reduces costs, and allows underwriters to focus on more complex cases. Automation also improves accuracy and consistency in decision making and enables insurers to easily adjust underwriting models as new data becomes available. With the rise of insurtech and no-code platforms, it’s now easier than ever for insurers to build customized automated underwriting solutions.

In this article, we’ll explore how a no-code AI app builder can be leveraged to automate and enhance underwriting assessment workflows for insurance organizations. We’ll look at key features of no-code underwriting apps, integrating data, designing automated decision logic, and the benefits for insurers. Automating underwriting through no-code AI promises to transform a traditionally manual process and help insurers make faster, smarter decisions.

Challenges of Manual Underwriting

Traditional manual underwriting processes are time-consuming, prone to errors, and can lead to inconsistent policy decisions. Underwriters must gather information from various sources, interpret applicant data, calculate risks, refer to guidelines, and make final determinations. This manual effort requires underwriting expertise and attention to detail.

However, manual underwriting has limitations. Assessing each application individually takes extensive time. Underwriters may miss key information or make mistakes in evaluating risks, especially when handling a high volume of applicants. Different underwriters can make different judgment calls, leading to inconsistencies. Bottlenecks occur when applications queue for an underwriter’s review.

Manual underwriting cannot scale effectively to handle today’s marketplace demands. Insurers end up turning away business due to capacity constraints. Applicants experience long wait times for decisions. Overall, manual underwriting processes are ready for an automated digital transformation. AI and machine learning can help overcome the challenges of traditional underwriting.

Benefits of Automated Underwriting

Manual underwriting processes can be slow, inconsistent, and prone to human error. By automating parts of the underwriting workflow, insurers can achieve significant benefits:

  • Faster underwriting decisions. Automated rules and risk scoring models can provide near real-time underwriting decisions, compared to the days or weeks of traditional manual reviews. This improves customer satisfaction by providing quicker policy issuance.

  • More accurate and consistent decisions. Automated systems apply the same underwriting logic consistently across all applicants. This reduces mistakes and bias that can happen with manual underwriting. AI models can also uncover insights that humans may miss.

  • Improved customer experience. Applicants appreciate the speed and transparency of automated decisions. User-friendly web forms and mobile apps allow customers to submit information conveniently. Real-time updates at each stage also set proper expectations.

  • Increased efficiency and productivity. Automation handles high-volume, repetitive underwriting tasks so staff can focus on more complex case reviews and customer service. This optimizes operations and containing costs.

  • Better data-driven insights. Digital collection of structured underwriting data enables advanced analytics of risks, pricing, and profitability. This supports continuous improvement of underwriting strategies.

By leveraging automation and AI, insurers can transform underwriting into a faster, smarter process that benefits both customers and the business. No-code app-builders make it easy to build and iterate on these digital solutions without any coding required for your for underwriting assessment app.

AI and Machine Learning for Underwriting

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are transforming underwriting processes in the insurance industry. These technologies allow insurers to analyze large amounts of data to accurately evaluate risks and make automated underwriting decisions.

AI algorithms can be trained on historical underwriting data to detect patterns and correlations. This enables more accurate predictions of risks and claims. Machine learning models can continuously improve their risk assessments as they process more data over time.

Some key ways AI and ML are applied in underwriting:

  • Automated data collection and analysis: AI can gather data from documents, forms, IoT devices etc and structure it for analysis. This removes manual data entry.

  • Predictive analytics: Machine learning algorithms can be trained to predict risks, claims, premiums, and other underwriting decision factors. This supports data-driven underwriting.

  • Dynamic pricing: AI allows real-time adjustment of premiums based on changing risk models and new data. This leads to more customized pricing.

  • Recommendation systems: ML models can suggest coverage options, risk mitigation steps, premiums etc tailored to a customer’s specific profile.

  • Automated decision-making: Rules-based AI can replicate underwriters’ decision logic to instantaneously approve or decline applications.

With AI and ML, insurers can underwrite policies faster, more accurately, and with lower costs. This technology is enabling a transformation from manual underwriting to automated, analytics-based underwriting.

No-Code Platforms Streamline App Development

Insurance companies can now take advantage of a no-code app-builder to build and deploy underwriting assessment apps faster without needing to code. No-code platforms allow business users and citizen developers to assemble apps visually using drag-and-drop interfaces and configurable templates. This empowers teams beyond IT and engineering to create their own apps to digitize processes and workflows.

No-code app-builders provide many benefits for insurance companies looking to create a custom for underwriting assessment app:

  • Accelerate time-to-market by building apps 10x faster than traditional coding. New apps can be built in days/weeks rather than months.
  • Enable business users to build their own apps without dependency on IT teams. This drives productivity.
  • Flexibility to add and change features rapidly with no-code visual workflows vs coding.
  • Modern and intuitive app interfaces for great user experiences.
  • Connect to data sources easily with pre-built connectors and APIs.
  • Enterprise-grade security, compliance, scalability and governance.
  • Significant cost savings compared to traditional custom software development.

With a no-code platform like Aire, insurers can adopt modern app development practices aligned to their digital transformation strategies. Business users can build the exact apps they need, empowering teams and optimizing processes.

Key Features of No-Code Underwriting App

The no-code app-builder that you use for your underwriting assessment app should provide insurers with several key capabilities to streamline and automate the underwriting process:

Data Input Forms

The app should include customizable data input forms to capture all required information from applicants. This ensures complete, consistent data collection. Form fields can validate info and integrate with external data sources.

Risk Analysis

The underwriting app can incorporate rules and algorithms to automatically evaluate risk factors based on the data input. This provides a standardized risk assessment. The app can analyze variables like demographics, health history, financial status, property details, driving record, etc.

Decision Logic

Complex decision logic can be configured to mimic underwriter expertise. The app can use if-then rules and scoring models to determine policy eligibility, appropriate coverage levels, and optimal pricing. Automated decisions improve speed and consistency.

By leveraging no-code tools, insurers can build flexible underwriting apps tailored to their unique needs without extensive programming. Key capabilities like data forms, risk analysis, and decision logic can be created through drag-and-drop interfaces and logic builders.

Integrating Data Sources

Insurers have data stored across various systems and in different formats. A key step in building the underwriting application is connecting it to these data sources.

The no-code app-builder should provide ready-made connectors to commonly used data sources like databases, cloud storage, spreadsheets, email, and web APIs for an for underwriting assessment app. This enables the app to pull in data from core insurance systems as well as third party data sources.

For example, connectors can be configured to:

  • Fetch customer data from the policy administration system via API calls. This provides information like demographics, prior claims history etc.

  • Pull in risk scoring data from analytics systems to assess factors like credit score, risk profile etc.

  • Ingest data from IoT devices like telematics to understand driving behavior.

  • Connect to government and public data sources to retrieve information on geography, climate etc.

  • Load supplementary data from spreadsheets and cloud storage.

The imported data provides the raw material for evaluating risks and underwriting decisions within the application. With a no-code platform, these connections can be set up through simple configuration without coding. The application seamlessly blends data from across sources to feed into the underwriting logic.

Designing Automated Decision Logic

Automating underwriting decisions requires configuring rules and logic flows to guide the system’s decision-making. No-code platforms like Aire enable insurers to visually map out conditional logic and decision trees without coding.

The app builder can integrate data input fields such as age, health history, or property details. Underwriters can then define rules that branch based on this data to determine the risk level and recommended policy terms. For example:

If age > 65 AND pre-existing conditions exist, then risk level = high

Else if age 18-65 AND no pre-existing conditions, then risk level = low

The underwriter sets up these rules for calculating the risk score and policy pricing. The rules engine processes the data entered for each applicant and follows the logic flow to decide low/medium/high risk categories.

Beyond risk assessment, rules can automate approvals, denials, or referrals to human underwriters. For example:

If risk score < 25, auto-approve

If risk score 25-60, refer to underwriter

If risk score > 60, auto-deny

These approval rules use risk thresholds to determine which applications proceed automatically versus those needing human review.

No-code business logic empowers underwriters to define automated decisions tailored to their risk models and approval criteria. It replaces manual policy review with consistent, data-driven verdicts.

Building Risk Assessment Forms

One of the most useful features of a no-code platform is the ability to easily build custom data collection forms for risk assessment. These forms allow underwriters to gather all the necessary information from applicants in a structured way.

The forms can include various field types like text boxes, dropdowns, checkboxes, and more. This makes it simple to capture details like applicant demographics, health history, lifestyle factors, and any other data needed to evaluate risk levels.

The forms are completely customizable, so insurers can configure them to match their specific underwriting criteria and data needs. They can add, remove, or modify fields as required without any coding. Conditional logic can also be set up, so certain questions only appear based on previous responses.

Once the forms are submitted, the platform automatically stores the data in a structured format. This enables seamless ingestion into other systems like the rules engine and risk scoring models. Form data can also be exported or accessed via API for further analysis.

Overall, configurable e-forms are an essential aspect of automated underwriting. No-code platforms provide insurers with the flexibility to easily gather the precise applicant information they require for risk assessment and decision making.

Creating Analytical Dashboards

Visual analytics and business intelligence are critical for insurance underwriting. No-code platforms enable insurers to build custom dashboards to gain data-driven insights without coding.

Key capabilities include:

  • Drag-and-drop dashboard designer: Easily create dashboards with charts, graphs, tables, and gauges that auto-populate from data sources. Customize layouts and branding.

  • Diverse visualizations: Choose from a wide array of chart types like bar, line, pie, scatter, heat maps, and more. Visualize data any way you need.

  • Interactive capabilities: Allow interactivity like drilling, filtering, sorting, and linking visuals. Empower users to explore data on their own.

  • Smart metrics and KPIs: Build in metrics and key performance indicators that update in real-time as new data comes in. Spot trends and anomalies.

  • Data analysis: Conduct analysis right in the dashboard with options like cohort analysis, funnel analysis, and more. Derive insights instantly.

  • Sharing and permissions: Securely share dashboards with individuals or teams. Control access and edit permissions.

With no-code, insurers can create unified visual analytics platforms to support data-driven underwriting. Interactive dashboards provide the insights needed to continuously refine automated decision-making and risk models.

Deploying and Integrating

One of the key advantages of building an underwriting app on a no-code platform is the ability to easily deploy it and integrate it with other systems.

With traditional coding, deploying an app globally across regions can be complex. No-code platforms handle all the deployment infrastructure and allow rolling out the app worldwide with a few clicks. This enables providing underwriters access to the system no matter where they are located.

Integration is also simplified. No-code platforms include connectors and APIs to link with external data sources, core insurance systems, and third party services. This allows seamlessly pulling in data from policy admin systems, claims databases, credit bureaus, and more. Underwriting decisions and risk scores can then be pushed back to core systems.

No-code integration tools facilitate real-time data syncing across systems. Workflows become more automated versus manual transfers of data between siloed applications. This speeds underwriting and provides a single source of truth across the insurance technology stack.

Overall, no-code deployment and integration saves significant development time and costs. Insurers can launch and connect underwriting apps faster compared to traditional software. This allows delivering improved experiences for underwriters and policy applicants.

Security and Compliance

Insurance companies handle highly sensitive customer data, so security and compliance are paramount when developing an automated underwriting application. The no-code platform should have robust access controls, encryption for data in transit and at rest, and options for managing user roles and permissions.

To protect customer privacy, data should only be used for the purposes outlined in disclosures and consent forms. Any third-party integrations must be assessed for security risks and compliance with regulations like HIPAA. Regular security audits of the application, infrastructure, and access logs will help identify any potential vulnerabilities or misuse.

Staying current with insurance industry regulations is also critical. Features like version control and sandbox environments in the no-code platform can facilitate testing changes to ensure they align with evolving compliance rules. Templates and settings that reflect regulatory requirements can standardize development across the organization.

With thoughtful design and planning guided by internal policies and external regulations, insurers can build trust and minimize risk when implementing no-code automated underwriting. The right no-code platform empowers insurers to innovate while still making security and compliance a top priority.

Ongoing Improvement

The beauty of building a custom no-code app is the ability to continuously improve it over time. With an underwriting app, insurers can use real usage data and feedback to optimize the risk models, decision logic, and user experience.

As more underwriting decisions are made through the app, the collected data can further train the machine learning algorithms to be more accurate. Data scientists can analyze where the biggest underwriting risks or inefficiencies exist and tweak the models accordingly.

The app can also collect direct feedback from underwriters using it. User surveys, reviews, and usage analytics can pinpoint pain points in the workflow or interface design. Citizen developers can then quickly update the app to streamline the underwriter experience.

No-code allows insurers to take an agile, iterative approach to enhancing their underwriting automation. Instead of long development and release cycles, improvements can be made incrementally based on the latest data. This creates a cycle of continuous optimization to maximize underwriting performance over time.

The flexibility of no-code gives insurers the power to take charge of shaping the future evolution of their underwriting processes. As risks and market conditions change, the underwriting app can change as well to remain at the cutting edge.

Benefits for Insurers

Automating underwriting with a no-code AI solution provides significant benefits for insurance companies. The most notable advantages include:

Increased Efficiency

By leveraging automated decision-making, insurers can dramatically accelerate their underwriting process. Applications built on no-code platforms allow for straight-through processing of many applications that previously required manual review. This reduces workload and speeds up policy issuance.

Reduced Costs

Automation drives major cost savings by eliminating manual tasks. No-code solutions require no specialized technical skills, so development and maintenance expenses are minimized. Efficient underwriting also lowers operating costs. The improved process reduces the need for staff to review and correct applications.

Improved Experience

Streamlining underwriting provides a better experience for both applicants and agents. Applicants receive faster decisions and issuance. Agents spend less time on paperwork and can focus more on advising clients. Overall satisfaction increases when processes are faster and more efficient for all stakeholders.

In summary, no-code AI underwriting automation generates higher throughput, lower costs, and increased satisfaction across the insurance value chain. Insurers gain a competitive advantage through updated processes and technology.


Building an automated underwriting application with no-code tools provides significant benefits for insurance organizations. By leveraging AI and machine learning, insurers can make data-driven underwriting decisions faster and more accurately. Using a no-code app-builder for underwriting assessment empowers business users to build and modify apps without relying on developers.

The time is now for insurance companies to embrace no-code and AI to improve underwriting. By adopting these innovative technologies, insurers can reduce costs, minimize risks, and provide better service to customers. No-code app development platforms make it easy to build and launch AI-powered solutions tailored to an organization’s specific needs.

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How to Build a Comprehensive Healthcare App Using a No-Code AI App-Builder

Artificial intelligence and no-code offer transformative potential to develop a comprehensive healthcare app. Learn how to use a no-code AI app-builder for healthcare to create an app for electronic health record management, patient demographics, prescriptions, appointment scheduling, and additional functionalities, with detailed steps for building the app and a sample data model provided.

How to use AI to build a comprehensive healthcare app.

How to Build a Comprehensive Healthcare App Using an AI No-Code App-Builder

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare technology, the demand for innovative solutions to securely store, manage, and access patient health records is paramount. With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and no-code development platforms, healthcare providers now have the opportunity to streamline their operations and improve patient care through efficient digital solutions. This article explores the transformative potential of using an AI-powered no-code app-builder to build an app that addresses the intricate needs of healthcare providers, focusing on secure electronic health record (EHR) management, patient demographics, prescriptions, and appointment scheduling.

The Need for Innovation in Healthcare Technology

Traditionally, healthcare providers have relied on paper-based systems or disparate electronic systems to manage patient health records. However, these methods are often inefficient, prone to errors, and lack interoperability. As the volume and complexity of patient data continue to grow, there is a pressing need for unified digital solutions that can securely store, organize, and retrieve this information in real time.

No-Code AI App-Builder for Healthcare Apps

Enterprises across various industries are increasingly turning to no-code development platforms to accelerate application development and reduce reliance on traditional coding methods. These platforms empower users, regardless of their programming expertise, to create robust applications through intuitive visual interfaces and pre-built templates.

In the realm of healthcare, leveraging AI-powered no-code platforms enables developers and healthcare professionals to build sophisticated applications tailored to their specific needs without writing a single line of code. By harnessing the capabilities of AI, these platforms can automate complex tasks, enhance data security, and deliver personalized user experiences.

What do you need for a good healthcare app?

What This Healthcare App Do

This healthcare app serves as a comprehensive digital solution for healthcare providers, including hospitals, clinics, and private practices. This app seamlessly integrates key features such as:

Electronic Health Records (EHR) Management

The app allows healthcare providers to securely store, update, and access comprehensive electronic health records, including medical history, diagnoses, medications, and test results. Through intuitive interfaces, authorized users can easily navigate and search for patient information, improving clinical decision-making and patient care.

Patient Demographics

A centralized database captures essential patient demographics, including personal information, contact details, insurance information, and emergency contacts. This information is securely stored and can be dynamically updated as needed, ensuring accurate patient identification and communication.

Prescription Management

Healthcare professionals can electronically prescribe medications directly within the app, eliminating the need for paper prescriptions and enhancing medication adherence. The app integrates with pharmacy systems to streamline the prescription fulfillment process, reducing errors and improving medication management for patients.

Appointment Scheduling

Patients can conveniently schedule appointments with healthcare providers through the app’s intuitive scheduling system. Real-time availability of healthcare providers, appointment reminders, and automatic notifications ensure efficient utilization of resources and minimize appointment cancellations or no-shows.

Who’s This Healthcare App For and What’s the Benefit

This healthcare app serves as a comprehensive digital solution for healthcare providers, including hospitals, clinics, and private practices. It enables healthcare professionals to securely manage patient health records, streamline administrative tasks, and enhance patient care delivery. The app benefits various stakeholders:

Healthcare Providers

Healthcare professionals can efficiently access and manage patient health records, streamline prescription management, and optimize appointment scheduling. The app improves workflow efficiency, reduces administrative burden, and enhances patient engagement and satisfaction.


Patients benefit from streamlined appointment scheduling, convenient access to their health records, and electronic prescription management. The app empowers patients to take an active role in managing their health and enhances communication with healthcare providers, leading to improved health outcomes.

Healthcare Organizations

Healthcare organizations benefit from improved operational efficiency, reduced paperwork, and enhanced data security. The app facilitates compliance with healthcare regulations such as HIPAA and enables seamless interoperability with existing healthcare systems, leading to cost savings and improved patient care delivery.

Using AI to Build Apps

Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Healthcare App with a No-Code AI App-Builder

Step 1: Define Requirements and Features

Clearly define the requirements and features of your healthcare app, focusing on EHR management, patient demographics, prescriptions, and appointment scheduling. Consider the needs of healthcare providers, patients, and healthcare organizations.

Step 2: Choose an AI-Powered No-Code Platform

Select a suitable no-code development platform that integrates AI capabilities and supports web app development. Consider factors such as ease of use, scalability, and integration capabilities.

Step 3: Familiarize Yourself with the Platform

Learn the features and capabilities of the chosen no-code platform by exploring documentation, tutorials, and community forums. Familiarize yourself with the visual interface and the process of designing app components.

Step 4: Design the User Interface (UI)

Use the platform’s visual interface to design user-friendly screens and forms for different app features. Consider the needs of both healthcare providers and patients, and ensure a seamless user experience.

Step 5: Set Up Data Models

Define data models for entities such as Patient, Healthcare Provider, Appointment, Prescription, and Medical Record, and establish relationships between them. Consider the data attributes and relationships required to support the app’s features.

Step 6: Implement EHR Management

Use the no-code platform to create forms for healthcare providers to input and update patient information, medical history, diagnoses, medications, and test results. Ensure that data is securely stored and can be easily retrieved.

Step 7: Incorporate Patient Demographics

Design screens and forms for capturing and updating patient demographics, including personal information, contact details, insurance information, and emergency contacts. Implement validation rules to ensure data accuracy.

Step 8: Integrate Prescription Management

Create functionality for healthcare providers to electronically prescribe medications within the app, linking prescriptions to patients and healthcare providers. Ensure integration with pharmacy systems for streamlined prescription fulfillment.

Step 9: Implement Appointment Scheduling

Develop an intuitive appointment scheduling system for patients to schedule appointments, view availability, and receive reminders. Real-time availability of healthcare providers and automatic notifications ensure efficient appointment management.

Step 10: Test and Iterate

Thoroughly test the app for usability, data integrity, and security. Gather feedback from potential users, including healthcare providers and patients, and iterate on the design and functionality based on their input.

Step 11: Deploy and Monitor

Deploy the web app to a hosting environment supported by the no-code platform. Monitor the app’s performance, security, and user engagement. Regularly update and enhance the app based on user feedback and changing healthcare requirements.

Step 12: Ensure Compliance and Security

Ensure that the healthcare app complies with relevant healthcare regulations such as HIPAA. Implement robust security measures to protect patient data and maintain confidentiality.

Sample Data Model For Building a Healthcare App with a NO-Code AI App-Builder

To illustrate the structure of the healthcare app’s database, let’s consider a simplified sample data model and entity relationship diagram:


  • Patient:
    • PatientID (Primary Key)
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Gender
    • Address
    • City
    • State
    • ZIP Code
    • Phone Number
    • Email Address
    • Insurance ID
    • Emergency Contact Name
    • Emergency Contact Phone Number
  • Healthcare Provider:
    • ProviderID (Primary Key)
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Specialization
    • Clinic/Hospital Name
    • Address
    • City
    • State
    • ZIP Code
    • Phone Number
    • Email Address
  • Appointment:
    • AppointmentID (Primary Key)
    • PatientID (Foreign Key)
    • ProviderID (Foreign Key)
    • Appointment Date
    • Appointment Time
    • Appointment Type (e.g., consultation, follow-up)
    • Appointment Status (e.g., scheduled, canceled, completed)
  • Prescription:
    • PrescriptionID (Primary Key)
    • PatientID (Foreign Key)
    • ProviderID (Foreign Key)
    • Medication Name
    • Dosage
    • Frequency
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Prescription Status (e.g., active, expired)
  • Medical Record:
    • RecordID (Primary Key)
    • PatientID (Foreign Key)
    • ProviderID (Foreign Key)
    • Date of Visit
    • Diagnosis
    • Procedure(s) Performed
    • Test(s) Ordered
    • Test Result(s)
  • Billing:
    • BillingID (Primary Key)
    • PatientID (Foreign Key)
    • ProviderID (Foreign Key)
    • AppointmentID (Foreign Key)
    • Service(s) Provided
    • Date of Service
    • Total Amount
    • Payment Status (e.g., pending, paid)
  • Insurance:
    • InsuranceID (Primary Key)
    • PatientID (Foreign Key)
    • Insurance Provider
    • Policy Number
    • Group Number
    • Policy Holder (if different from patient)
  • Telemedicine Consultation:
    • ConsultationID (Primary Key)
    • PatientID (Foreign Key)
    • ProviderID (Foreign Key)
    • Consultation Date
    • Consultation Time
    • Consultation Type (e.g., video call, phone call)
    • Notes


  • Patients can have multiple medical records, appointments, prescriptions, billing records, insurance records, and telemedicine consultations.
  • Medical records, appointments, prescriptions, billing records, and insurance records are associated with specific patients.
  • Appointments, prescriptions, billing records, and medical records are associated with specific healthcare providers.
  • Appointments are linked to specific patients and healthcare providers.
  • Prescriptions are linked to specific patients and healthcare providers.
  • Billing records are linked to specific patients, healthcare providers, and appointments.
  • Insurance records are associated with specific patients.
  • Telemedicine consultations are conducted between specific patients and healthcare providers.

No-Code App Building for Healthcare


By following these steps, healthcare organizations can leverage an AI no-code app-builder to efficiently build comprehensive web apps for healthcare operations, enhanced patient care delivery, and improved overall healthcare outcomes.

Keep in mind that while this guide provides a structured approach to building a healthcare app, the specific steps and features will vary based on the no-code platform you select and the unique requirements of your healthcare organization. Continuous collaboration with healthcare professionals and adherence to regulatory standards are essential throughout the development process.

Planet Crust’s AI no-code app-builder Aire lets users create custom record-based apps for healthcare directly from AI prompts Users can further customize the AI build with easy-to-use no-code tools, access pre-built apps add connectors and deploy the app in their own instance. We’ll be launching Aire soon! Join the waiting list to get first access.


Why Businesses Need To Be Able To Develop Apps Faster Than Ever

With rapid changes in our current business landscape and digital technology, modern organizations are now implementing and integrating more and more software into their day-to-day business processes at an exponentially increasing rate. Furthermore, as market trends and consumer expectations continue to evolve exponentially, your business needs to be able to develop powerful enterprise applications much faster than ever before.

Recent studies have shown that low-code users are 12% more likely to say that their application backlog has improved. Therefore, low-code enterprise application development platforms can help your business substantially expedite enterprise application development processes with powerful and user-friendly features such as drag-and-drop tools, instant mobility, scalability and security tools and much more.

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Why It Makes More Sense To Build Your Own Apps Rather Than Buy Them

With recent technological advancements and changes in our current business landscape, enterprise applications are now an indispensable asset to any modern organization. Therefore, most companies are now searching for the best possible way to create and manage enterprise applications.

However, many businesses may be unclear about whether or not they should purchase their applications from a third-party developer or build their own applications. Although purchasing applications may provide businesses with some convenience and ease in the immediate term, building your own applications can provide your business with substantial opportunities for flexibility, adaptability, customization, scalability and much more.

Furthermore, with the rise of low-code platforms, businesses can now build their own applications faster than ever before. A recent study conducted by Gartner has forecasted that approximately 65% of all application activity will result from low-code and no-code development by the year 2024. Low-code development can also empower citizen developers with little to no traditional coding experience to build powerful, high-functioning applications without the interference of skilled developers.

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What are the best practices for building enterprise applications?

Enterprise applications are defined as software systems that are designed to help organizations coordinate, manage and oversee the functioning of various business processes and workflows. Studies have shown that the global enterprise application industry is expected to reach a market value of $527.4 billion by the year 2030, with a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 8.2%.

Powerful enterprise applications are a crucial aspect of any successful organization. However, the development cycle of enterprise applications can be extremely time-consuming and can also result in a substantial amount of wastage of organizational resources if not closely monitored. Significant delays and wastage of resources during the development cycle may even ultimately negate the prospective profitability of an enterprise application.

Therefore, modern businesses must be aware of certain best practices for building and developing enterprise applications.

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Which Types Of ISVs Are Benefiting From Modern App Development Approaches?

With the evolution of digital technology and digital software, innovative solutions are continuously being integrated into a wide variety of modern day-to-day business functions. Which company does not desire an application that is tailor-made to suit their needs?

Consequently, ISV companies have been faced with an unprecedented demand for custom-built software. Therefore, it is crucial for ISVs to consistently adapt to growing demands for custom-built software.

However, it can be extremely difficult for ISV companies to adapt to changing consumer expectations and market trends using traditional application development approaches. Development, testing, and maintenance of custom-built applications is not only time-consuming, but a process that requires ample manpower, infrastructure, and strategic planning.

Even if developers do everything right, unprecedented needs for modification can always arise in software owing to erratic market trends and evolving infrastructure in various industries. Therefore, ISV companies must ensure that they are consistently evolving their application development strategies to facilitate digital transformation and product development.

To tackle the high-demand and unpredictable needs of the customers, ISVs should develop a proactive approach toward software development. With the adoption of agile development methods and modern app development practices, ISVs can easily increase their output efficiency and significantly decrease their technical debt.

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What Types Of Apps Can You Build With a Low-Code Platform?

Custom-made applications are all the rage in the business world right now. Instead of going with standard fit-for-all software, companies now prefer tailor-made applications that suit their needs. It stands to reason, then, that the creators and contributors of these apps should be the very people who will be using them. This is where low-code platforms come in.

A low-code development platform, or LCDP, allows people with minimal training and coding knowledge to create function, complex apps. Various sectors have now adopted LCDPs to create industry-specific management software.

Low-code platforms can be used to create almost every type of organizational application including process management, human resource management, customer engagement, customer relationship management, security systems, operational efficiency apps, and more.

From improving day-to-day operations to optimizing the standard processes of the workplace, apps made through low-code can significantly help in increasing the overall efficiency of an organization.

Let us discuss a few popular use-cases of low-code in various industries today.

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How To Use Low-Code To Speed Up Innovation In Financial Services

Financial services form the backbone of the world economy. Most organizations require the assistance of banks to launch and carry on their operations.Ensuring efficiency and accuracy in all operations of finance services hence becomes imperative not just for individuals but for the economy as a whole.

As rapid innovations in digital technology and low-code solutions continue to evolve at an exponential rate, it is crucial for modern businesses to understand the significance of speeding up innovation in various financial services.  It has been proven that organizations that prioritize the acceleration of software development and innovation have been proven to experience significantly higher competitive advantage over their counterparts that don’t.

However, innovation in financial services can be an extremely difficult process due to a lack of financial and human resources, competent digital systems and time. Furthermore, many financial institutions are often so focused on meeting short-term goals that long-term innovation seems impractical and unrealistic. However, low-code technology may be able to help financial institutions speed up innovation in financial services.

A recent study conducted by Microsoft anticipates that 450 million out of the 500 million applications that are expected to be developed and distributed over the course of the next 5 years will be created using low-code platforms. Therefore, the rise of low-code technology presents an extremely valuable opportunity for modern businesses.

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What are the three steps of low-code app development?

Gone are the days when traditional coding was the be-all and end-all of app development. Today, with low-code, anyone can build apps from scratch with just a little coding knowledge.

Low-code is a visual app development technology that uses pre-built modules and drag-and-drop editors to facilitate app development. Low-code reduces the time it takes to develop a platform by letting developers focus on complex coding areas.

Low-code platforms can potentially bring down development times by almost 90%. Low-code also encourages citizen development which is a low-cost alternative to traditional app development.

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How to choose a rapid application development platform

A rapid application development (RAD) platform should support visual software development, easy maintenance, and facilitate seamless team collaboration.

There are two main factors that drive any successful digital transformation: adaptability and speed. Most organizations need custom software to tackle the need for adaptability since off-the-shelf software is rarely likely to address the unique needs of individual enterprises. At the same time, software development is, traditionally, a slow and cumbersome process, where projects can take months or even years to complete, hence the need for a faster solution.

The need for speed goes hand-in-hand with the need for adaptability in an era of rapid change, where technology is constantly evolving and the demands of employees and customers are evolving with them. These factors combine to make rapid application development, or RAD a necessity in today’s enterprises. In this article, we will explain what RAD is (and what it isn’t) and how to choose the right platform for your organization’s needs.

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