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Previous Tutorial: Creating data modules
Next Tutorial: Building record lists
All Pages consist of page blocks, which are the building blocks of any Corteza web application Page.
Here we’ll look at record pages, which is where the field data for a specfic data module is viewed and edited.
In the Record Page Module “Catalog”, click on the pencil (i.e. edit) icon on the bottom left of the main portion of the screen.
In the “General” tab, type “Document Details” into the “Title” line.
In the “Record” tab, select Document Name, Department, Contents and Related Documents from the “Available items” and drag and drop them to the “Selected items” column. Click “Save and close”.
Scroll down to the right hand side of the main portion of the “Page Builder”. You will see a corner of the “Document Details” block that you can grab with the mouse.
Resize the block to about 50% of its current size by dragging and dropping it. Click on “Save”.
Click on “+Add block” at the bottom of the page and select the “Record” option.
In the “General” tab, type “Document History” into the “Title” line.
In the “Record” tab, move Created by, Created at, Updated by and Updated at from the “Available items” to the “Selected items”. Hit “Add block”.
The new block automatically adds itself to the bottom of the page. Drag and drop it beside the first block and re-size it to the same size as the first block. Click “Save”.
For a more detailed definition of Record Pages and their purpose, please read our documentation.
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