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What Does CRM do for a Company?

Customer Relationship Management or CRM is not merely a system…

What do Chief Executives Think About Digital Transformation?

Digitization - the gleaming word appears to be a brilliant opportunity…

How Can IoT be Used in Manufacturing?

The moment you are reading this sentence, over 127 new devices…

What are Team Collaboration Tools?

Apart from all the challenges that the pandemic has thrown upon…

How Do You Measure Digital Transformation?

If you have recently decided to embrace the digital world and…

What ICT Hardware and Software is Used in Hospitals?

Amongst all the other industries that are being transformed by…

What is The Meaning of Digital Sovereignty?

With a radical shift towards the digital world, every organization…

What is the Rapid Application Development (RAD) Methodology?

Throughout the digital era, application development trends have…

What Does CRM Mean in Aviation?

When you heard the word 'CRM', you picture a business that is…

What is an IoT Solution?

If there’s one technology that has drastically reduced the…

What is Hospital Management Software?

The year 2020 has witnessed that the healthcare vertical is not…

How to Grow your Financial Services Business?

Business growth can be tough to accomplish, but when it comes…

Why Is There a Need for Smart Cities?

With the rise of urbanization and evolution, comes the concept…

Which Companies Use CRM Software?

In a world where technology answers most problems, there is no…

Why is the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System important?

What is the most valuable asset to your organization? If your…

What Types of Financial Services are There?

Marking the backbone of any economy, the financial services industry…

What is a Digital Transformation Manager?

When you have finally decided to transform your business with…

What Constitutes E-Government?

While digital transformation is disrupting every sector of the…
1087. What is Smart City Management

What is Smart City Management?

Did you know that Frost and Sullivan predicted that the Smart…

What is the Future of the Healthcare Industry?

When we talk about the future, we not only anticipate a huge…

What does an IoT Platform do?

In this digital era, we are experiencing an explosion of technical…

How Important is Web Accessibility?

Do you know what the idea behind the development of the internet…

Why Choose Rapid Application Development?

Imagine a simple scenario. Your client approves the process and…

What is Finance Management Software?

In this smart, agile, and tech-savvy world, there’s hardly…

Why Customer Service Matters in the Healthcare Industry

Typically, customer service is a vital metric to be considered…

What is Smart School?

As the name itself reveals, smart ‘connected’ schools make…

Who Benefits From Web Accessibility?

Do you want to enable all users in your company to use the CRM?…

How Does CRM Software Help Large Companies?

As businesses grow, a whole new set of challenges start appearing…

How is Cloud Computing Used in Healthcare?

Rising at a CAGR of 5 % from 2019-23, the healthcare industry…

How Does a Smart City Work?

If you ask Wikipedia, it explains, “A smart city is an urban…

What are the steps to introduce CRM in your company?

Firstly, congratulate yourself for having crossed the first and…

What Are Examples of Case Management?

If there's something that unites healthcare, law firms, educators,…

What Does CRM Stand for in Finance?

As soon as we bring the term 'finance' into the frame, the backdrop…

What is a Low-Code Solution?

The IT era is ruling every business in today’s world. Every…

Is There Any Free CRM Software?

Are your sales teams still working on tables and spreadsheets?…

What are the Steps to Digital Transformation?

The irony of the uncertainty posed by the pandemic is such that,…

Do We Need Digital Transformation?

If something unconventional tries to change the way you do business,…

Crust integrates ownCloud into its open source Salesforce alternative

Nuremberg September 29, 2020 - The ecosystem for ownCloud's new…

Why your Sales Team should move to Crust

I want to share with you the main reasons our clients are moving…

Does Digital Transformation Work?

Yes, but only if the digital transformation strategy is realistic…

Why is it essential for a company to implement a CRM?

When the number of leads in your company grows, you need a system…

CRM – What Does It Mean?

Would you believe that the next few minutes you spend reading…

How much does it cost to create an app for my business?

The answer to this question, of course, depends on the approach…

What is Smart Government?

A quick search of Google reveals many different definitions and…

What is the best open-source CRM for enterprises?

There is a wide arrange of open-source CRMs on the market. Some…

How to Introduce CRM in the Company

This question comes up from time to time in the life of a business.…

European Commission Funding for Open-Source Federated Cloud Platform

Cork/Amsterdam 10 September 2020 Crust Technology, the leading…

What Business Processes can be Automated?

Theoretically, any business process can be automated. It’s…

How Digital Transformation is Rewriting Business Models

Digital Transformation rewrites business models by making them…

How to Jump-start a Digital Transformation

Implementing a digital transformation strategy can be a daunting…

How much does Digital Transformation cost?

Digital transformation examples can be wide and varied. Naturally,…

How do we Implement Government Digital Transformation?

Government digital infrastructures are renowned for being: …

Should I Create an App for my Business?

Yes, for sure! Along with using the platform, the best way to…

What is Case Management?

Wikipedia defines Case Management as “...the co-ordination…

Benefits of Prototyping When Following a Rapid App Development Methodology

Prototyping apps is a really useful activity for many reasons.…

What is the difference between ERP and CRM software?

Customer Relationship Management and Enterprise Resource Planning…

What is the Full Meaning of CRM?

So “CRM” stands for Customer Relationship Management. However,…

Which of the Following Statements is True of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems?

CRM is Expensive Open-source CRM is all just old forks…

Why Are Standards In Technology Important?

As the world simultaneously tackles health crises, social crises…

What Tools are Available for Rapid Application Development?

Rapid Application Development with Low-Code development platforms…

What is Sales Force Automation in CRM?

CRM is a broad domain. It touches every industry and there’s…

Why Automate Your Business?

Automation promises great things, but knowing why you want to…

Why do Developers Love Low-Code?

You can find articles online why developers hate low-code, but…

The 7 Benefits of Low-Code for Sales Teams

There has been a substantial increase in the adoption of low-code…

Can Anyone Create An App?

The reasons the “No-Code Low-Code” market exists are to: …

What are the Most Important Sales Tracking Software Features?

The Low-Code Development market set to grow exponentially in…

Amazon Honeycode? A Feature-Poor Alternative to Crust Low-Code

You may heard that Amazon is dipping its toe in the No-Code/Low-Code…

The Ultimate Salesforce Alternative

How Many CRM Companies Are There? A lot! Once you start looking…

Crust Releases version 2020.06 and Removes Paywall for All Products

Cork, Ireland, 30 June 2020 Crust Technology is excited to announce…

Crust is Spreading its Wings

Since we launched in March 2019, Crust CRM Suite has established…

How to Use Rapid Application Development

The Corteza low-code Platform leads the way in the field of open-source…

Key Skills for the Successful Salesperson

We can all identify who’s doing well in the Sales Team. All…

What is a Case Management Workflow?

A Case Management Workflow is the logic, process or method your…

Advantages of Rapid Application Development include which of the following?

More Flexibility Faster Results for your Business Increased…