
Key Skills for the Successful Salesperson

We can all identify who’s doing well in the Sales Team. All we need to do is check out their results and activity in the CRM Suite. We can see the effort going in and what they result in.

A good part of their results will be because of said effort. Sales persons consistently do lots of things that result in closing deals. We will look at what these habits are later. Success in Sales is a reflection of two key things.

  1. Strength of the person’s hard skills
  2. Strength of the person’s soft skills.

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What is a Case Management Workflow?

A Case Management Workflow is the logic, process or method your business uses for resolving issues. Issues can have many sources. For instance, they can be raised by customers, partners or internal staff.

Getting business logic right is difficult. So, with Planet Crust’s Case Management, we go out of our way to make it easier for you to to align your business logic across your organisation. This could be for improving your existing processes or for a complete digital transformation strategy. Read more

How Can I Make My Own App For Free?

As the leading, advanced open-source CRM Suite, Crust delivers a user experience and feature set over and above the likes of Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics365. At the same time, as the premium Golang CRM, it delivers performance and reliability at scale. And via its Corteza community, it delivers free CRM software with an unprecedented level of freedom and value. That’s because the Crust’s CRM Suite is powered by its own low-code platform – Corteza.

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What is a Customer-Focused Approach?

Digital transformation strategy is hard to get right.

“A customer-focused approach demands that your organisation orients its processes and services around what matters most to its clients. It should do so in a manner which generates the maximum medium to long-term growth for your business”

Note the absence of “short-term” in the above statement. That’s because a digital transformation strategy is an investment in your business. You can’t cheat at it and shouldn’t try. For instance, scanning a list of free CRMs is no substitute for thinking hard about your customer needs and evolvution. Nor is picking an open-source CRM off the shelf and just going to the trouble of setting it up.

Planet Crust has much experience providing services in this domain. A customer-focused approach means you must do some serious analysis of:

  1. The Market;
  2. Technology;
  3. Your Customer Requirements.

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How do you maintain relationships with clients?

To start answering this question, what makes a good relationship with clients?

  • Regular communication, listening to what your customers need and want
  • They need to feel they can trust you, and that you will deliver the most best option for them
  • Additionally, if something goes wrong, they can come back to you and know you will do everything you can to resolve things for them

Of course you need to have the right people with the right skills to deliver this. So, assuming that this part is right, they need the tools to help them ensure they can have the best possible relationship with the customer. Read more

Golang CRM

We mention it regularly in our blogs, but why is it important that Corteza use Golang? Well, first of all, if you’re to get a CRM for free, it may as well be written in a modern coding language. Google uses Golang to build and manage much of its application infrastructure. As the leading open source Salesforce alternative, Corteza also shares the use of Golang in common with its primary competitor.

What is Golang?

Golang, also written as Go, is an open-source programming language. According to the website of the project Golang “makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software”. It is developed by a team at Google and many contributors from the open-source community. The first release was in 2009 and it has become a very popular programming language. Read more

When to use Rapid Application Development?

Corteza is widely known for the excellence of its CRM Suite, the leading open-source alternative to Salesforce. Much of its strength comes from the fact that its build process was inspired by the “Lightning” low-code platform. However, Corteza did add some extra features and user friendliness not present in Salesforce.

The Corteza Rapid Application Development platform is the ideal companion for enabling your digital transformation strategy. Or, for simply building once-off business applications. This is because Corteza delivers a Rapid Application Development environment with the best of “no-code low-code” practices. Read more

Why is Customer Relationship Management important?

The 3 main reasons why Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is important are:

  1. Up to date information
    Customer information is always up to date, and easily accessible to all authorised staff.
  2. Automation
    Automation enables the streamlining of complex customer interaction processes, which saves time and reduces errors.
  3. Insights
    Finally, it provides businesses with reporting tools. Understand your customers better and detect where you can improve the sales team.

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Can I make advanced charts in an open-source CRM?

Having advanced charts in a CRM Suite is essential. As a manager, you need to be able to see the most up to date information in easy to understand dashboards. This seems very straightforward, but most open-source CRM providers fail here. However, Crust is different. Crust CRM allows you to create beautiful and advanced charts and enables you to add metric blocks to any page.

What do charts in an open-source CRM Suite look like?

In Crust we have created an advanced open-source chart builder, that allows you to build the most common charts businesses need. And we are exited to share some screenshots of soon to be released new chart types. Including the new chart types, Crust allows you to create:

  • line charts
  • bar charts
  • combined line and bar charts
  • pie charts
  • donut charts
  • funnel charts
  • gauge charts

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What are the 3 main benefits of CRM for the Sales Manager?

What are the 3 main benefits of CRM for the Sales Manager?

There are 3 reasons why you, as a Sales Manager should use a CRM. They are:

  • Increase in Productivity & Revenue
  • More time to spend developing your team
  • Improved & Smarter Reporting

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