
What Is An Open-Source Hardening Project?

With the evolution and increasing integration of digital technology, the use of open-source technology has also increased exponentially. Open-source software is defined as any computer software that allows and enables users as well as the general public to utilize, modify and redistribute its source code freely. A recent study conducted by Red Hat concluded that 75% of IT leaders felt that enterprise open-source software was extremely important.

Although many users may question the reliability of open-source software, the open-source industry has and will continue to prioritize the security and reliability of open-source technology.

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What Are The Five Bits of Advice To Start an ISV Startup?

An ISV company is defined as an organization or software publisher that specializes in the creation, development, and distribution of commercial software by licensing agreements with various enterprises and individual users. However, the ISV company retains all ownership and intellectual property rights to its licensed software.

The ISV industry is expected to reach a market value of approximately $408.15 million by 2026. Therefore, the market for ISV startups is highly lucrative for software publishers and organizations. However, it is extremely important to ensure that you understand how to start an ISV startup before venturing into the industry.

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