
Five Reasons Why You Need To Try Out Low-Code

Low-code is defined as a visual approach to software development that allows users to automate and streamline each step of the coding process. Low-code platforms have completely revolutionized the type of websites and applications that individual users and businesses can create. 

Traditional coding cycles were a tedious and extensive process, which required the assistance of highly skilled software developers. However, low-code technology has allowed users to create highly complex software without writing long lines of repetitive code. 

Studies have shown that organizations that leveraged low-code citizen development in organizational initiatives could speed up the application development process by up to 50%.

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What are Metrics?

Goal-setting is a cardinal factor in the pursuit of business success. But, in the process of setting and achieving goals, there is one intermediate step that we’re too lazy to bother about: Tracking your business performance.

Performance tracking and measurement keep you abreast of your exact location in the journey to success. Not only does it help in continuous improvement, but it also helps one identify their specific strengths and weaknesses.

It is tricky to evaluate business performance data quantitatively. But, this process can be made easier by using measures called ‘Metrics.’ Different metrics help track, measure, and analyze the different aspects of an individual or organization.

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How Can Manufacturers Safely Ramp Up Global Operations?

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the operations of manufacturers all across the world in almost every sector. This global crisis caused different production manufacturers to either completely shut down their operations. Or pivot to producing pandemic-specific goods such as face masks, personal protective equipment or other medical products or devices.

As the pandemic progresses, there are still many challenges and roadblocks that continue to limit manufacturers’ operations globally. However, there are several ways that manufacturers can accelerate and ramp up their global production without compromising safety. Read more

Why Do Companies Use Digital Marketing?

As modern consumers continue to spend more time online, it is only natural that businesses and organizations have to also establish a solid and recognizable online presence to better connect with their prospective audience.

Companies that still rely on traditional forms of advertising such as billboards, television advertisements, and cold calling may find themselves missing out on the wide variety of advantages of digital marketing strategies.

Businesses can effectively harness the power of digital marketing to better target and convert current and prospective leads. They can further take advantage of affordable and flexible tracking technology that can help refine a pre-existing marketing strategy. Read more

What is the JSON format?

The JSON format is a lightweight, text-based data file interchange format used to store, transport and transmit structured data over the web. Its lightweight and intuitive design ensure that JSON files are easily human-readable and executable.

JSON is one of the most popular data representation formatting choices for exchanging information between public and private web clients, servers and applications.

This is because of its simplicity and ease of use compared to other alternative data file interchange formats such as XML. As API integration becomes an increasing priority for developers, the need for simple web data exchange is becoming more and more prevalent.
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What is RBAC and Why Does it Matter?

The role of an employee in any organization has a huge underlying motive. That role determines the authority an individual holds, the access it has to high-security or confidential information, and even operating high-level tasks. The lower-level employees certainly have some or other restrictions. So, what is the reason behind maintaining such ‘balance’ in the organization’s architecture? Is it that crucial?

YES! A big yes, indeed. Limiting access is most important for any organization as it often comes difficult to monitor the network access efficiently owing to a large number of employees, contractors, and third parties like customers and vendors. In a role-based model- responsibility, authorization, and job competency defines the amount of access to the resources.

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Why is Time Tracking Important?

Time tracking is considered one of the most vital aspects of maintaining organisational productivity, functionality, and employee workflow. Tracking time can allow your organisation to better track and analyse the time of employees and managers.

Efficiently tracking workplace time can lead to a multitude of different benefits such as increased profitability, reduced employee absenteeism and improving overall client relationships and satisfaction.

Studies have shown that nearly 90% of employees admit to squandering workday hours on non-organisational tasks. Therefore, time tracking tools such as a mobile time clock app with GPS and other software can enable your business’s employees to hold themselves more accountable during their work hours.

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What Is the Difference Between Open-Source and Open-Core?

The rise of open-source software platforms has completely revolutionised the rate at which enterprise applications can be produced. In fact, over 78% of companies run either part of or all of their operations using open-source software.

Open-source software is an all-encompassing term used to define any publicly accessible software application that is entirely available for free. Open-source software can then be modified and reviewed by users according to their specific needs and requirements.

Open-core is a specific business model strategy used to monetise the use of open-source software. However, ‘open-source’ is often confused with ‘open-core.’ Nevertheless, there are several key differences between open-source software platforms and open-core business models.

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What are Some Examples of Enterprise Software?

ERP (enterprise resource planning) software is defined as a specific type of software that organisations can use to manage and automate their day to day business processes and tasks such as accounting, project management, and supply chain operations. ERP systems link critical business processes to create an effective and efficient flow of company data and information throughout an organisation.

Research has shown that implementing an enterprise resource planning software system can lead to an overall improvement of business processes for 95% of organisations that do so. The digital technology and infrastructure evolve, and the amount of data that companies are required to record, track and maintain increases exponentially. That is why enterprise resource planning systems are becoming more and more vital for operating and managing a business properly.

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The Main Benefits of Visitor Management

Managing the number of visitors visiting your business on a day to day basis is a vital aspect of maintaining, evaluating and enhancing your organisation’s overall productivity rate.

However, the use of manual data collection methods such as guest books and physical data entry systems is time-consuming, prone to potential inaccuracies, and lacks the effective data security protection that visitor management software can provide.

Visitor management is a system that helps organisations keep records of people who visit their site. It is used to protect the workplace and the employees from unprecedented interactions with customers. It also helps enhance the customer experience. Studies have shown that 76% of respondents reported that visitor management software improved their overall visitor feedback. Read more