
How Can Technology Increase People’s Freedom?

As digital and electronic systems continue to evolve, many individuals and businesses are taking advantage of technology to automate and streamline various business processes. However, many people continue to vilify the use of technology to simplify day-to-day routine tasks.

The use of technology can significantly increase people’s freedom by affirming citizen rights, allowing people to exercise their right to freedom, and protecting user data privacy and data governance. Read more

Is Open-source Ethical?

Open-source software is defined as any software application that is openly licensed and freely available by allowing users to modify the platform’s existing source code. Due to its collaborative and decentralized nature, open-source software platforms have completely revolutionized the application software development industry.

Open-source software offers a wide variety of potential benefits that businesses can take advantage of such as encouraging citizen development, fostering cross-departmental organizational collaboration opportunities, encouraging innovation, and much more.

69% of IT leaders stated that open-source software was essential to an organization’s overall enterprise digital infrastructure. Although open-source software is an extremely valuable tool for modern organizations to increase their efficiency and productivity, many believe open-source software solutions are unethical. However, most open-source software is completely secure and ethical.

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Does NASA Use Open-Source?

NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is America’s space exploration agency and the civil space program. NASA employs approximately 312,000 people across the United States and maintains a public central data storage repository, encouraging open innovation, viewer engagement, and public involvement.

Studies show that 78% of businesses run a percentage of their operations on open-source software. NASA utilizes open-source platforms to significantly streamline and automate business processes, which ultimately reduces enterprise application development costs, encourages cross-departmental collaboration, reduces the length of software development cycles, and much more.

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What Is an Open-Source Low-Code Platform?

Open-source software is defined as software that can be freely licensed and distributed to users. It gives users the ability to access, modify and redistribute their source code.

Low-code is an approach to software development that prioritizes graphic visual development. It allows citizen developers with little to no traditional coding experience to build application software without the constant interference of a skilled software developer.

Businesses have increasingly begun to turn to open-source, low-code platforms to automate routine and time-consuming business processes. Otherwise, these processes have to be performed by an organizational employee.

Open-source, low-code platforms allow users to reduce the time between application development cycles, decrease software maintenance costs, accommodate digital transformation, and much more.

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What Is the Best Open-Source Software?

Open-source software is defined as any commercial software that is openly licensed and accessible for users. Open-source software also allows users to share, adjust and modify its source code to adjust to their specific needs and preferences.

Approximately 78% of companies run at least some of their business processes using open-source software. Open-source software encourages cross-departmental collaborative participation, open principle exchange, rapid enterprise application prototyping, and community-focused software development. Read more

What Does a Hospital Risk Management Software Do?


The healthcare industry tackles risks to its staff and patients on a daily basis. Hence, it is crucial for hospitals to deploy risk management tools in their organization to discover, analyze, and tackle risks while ensuring minimum possible damage.

A hospital risk management software is a system that deploys organization-wide tools and channels to uncover, analyze and prepare for probable risks. Having a risk management system in the hospital can help you proactively safeguard your patients’ and staff’s well-being.

At the same time, your hospital’s risk management efficiency can lead to a better brand reputation and community standing. If you are planning to choose a risk management system for your hospital, here are a few things you should know about their features.

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Which CRM Software is Best For a Small Startup?

CRM software is defined as a system that helps businesses keep track of personal client information, historical sales data, and consumer behavior. Keeping track of this data manually can prove to be time-consuming. It can lead to inaccuracies that can significantly affect your business’s ability to communicate with customers effectively.

However, your small business can automatically collect, track, and monitor customer data with the right CRM. Subsequently, it helps you supervise customer relationships and details.

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How do I Learn to Develop Apps?

The rise of low-code technology means that citizen developers with little to no traditional coding experience can develop high-functioning, complex apps without the constant interference of a skilled software developer. By 2024, low-code platforms will be responsible for more than 65% of all application development.

Low-code platforms allow users to create application software without extensive training and faster than ever before. They can also help anyone develop enterprise applications using straightforward and uncomplicated instructions.

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What Makes a Good Platform?

With the inflow of digitalization of the current business landscape, businesses may find it challenging to find the right platform that fits their preferences and needs. Every platform must have interface flexibility and customize features to the specific business process it is intended for and versatility.

The rise of low-code, open-source platforms means that businesses can find all of these in one place without spending substantial amounts of financial resources. Moreover, low-code, open-source platforms typically consist of feature-complete software and standards-based operating systems.

This will allow your business to find the right tools to satisfy digital platform requirements and customize the platform’s source code to your business’s unique operations and management.

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How Is Open-Source Changing the Low-Code Sector?

According to Gartner, low-code will be responsible for more than 65% of all application development activity by 2024. Low-code is defined as a visual approach to application software development that allows developers with little to no traditional coding experience to create complex, high-functioning software without writing long lines of repetitive code.

Low-code development platforms use features such as graphic editors and drag-and-drop tools to empower citizen developers to create enterprise applications. There are also different types of low code platforms, namely proprietary and open-source software.

Open-source is defined as software publicly available and licensed. So that users can access, modify and distribute to source code. Open-source software relies on collaboration and flexibility, with open-source software being less expensive and having more longevity than its closed source counterparts.

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