
What is Smart City Governance?

Smart city governance is defined as an examination of the comprehensive public domain activities and services of a smart city. It further explores how political and societal governance systems can translate to run smart cities digitally.

Smart city governance is extremely essential for the management of smart cities so that citizens can be more well informed about the runnings of their smart city and so that the entire system can be more transparent.

Furthermore, smart city governance efforts aim to address the effects of smart city technology on the citizens that have to interact with the implemented digital infrastructure.

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What Is the Smart Cities Mission?

Smart cities have become one of the biggest priorities for countries worldwide in terms of prioritizing local geographical safety, public city operations, and maximizing economic growth.

A smart city is defined as a specific regional area that utilizes digital technology and information and communication technology to collect real historical data so that valuable insights can be drawn to solve city issues.

The local city government then further utilizes this real-time data to improve daily city operations. In order to do that it needs to make informed decisions and develop holistic and comprehensive solutions to city problems and concerns.

The smart city IT market is projected to reach an annual value of $34 billion. Efficient and systematic smart city management can make keeping up with smart city trends and achieving future global digitalization objectives an achievable reality.

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What is RBAC and Why Does it Matter?

The role of an employee in any organization has a huge underlying motive. That role determines the authority an individual holds, the access it has to high-security or confidential information, and even operating high-level tasks. The lower-level employees certainly have some or other restrictions. So, what is the reason behind maintaining such ‘balance’ in the organization’s architecture? Is it that crucial?

YES! A big yes, indeed. Limiting access is most important for any organization as it often comes difficult to monitor the network access efficiently owing to a large number of employees, contractors, and third parties like customers and vendors. In a role-based model- responsibility, authorization, and job competency defines the amount of access to the resources.

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How Many Smart Cities Are There?

The highly increasing demand and concern for public safety, economic growth, government urbanization initiatives and efficient communication have emphasized the need for smart cities. The global smart city market is expected to grow to $410 billion by the year 2025, with an average compound annual growth rate (C.A.G.R.) of 14.8%.

Technological and digitalisation advancements have made the functioning and establishment of hundreds of smart cities much more realistic and attainable. However, there are still many cities around the world that have not been able to attain that status yet. In fact, with approximately 10,000 cities worldwide, the vast majority are still not considered as smart cities. Read more

What are SDG’s?

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a list of 17 integrated call-to-action goals set by the UN member states in the year 2015 to end poverty, encourage equality, peace and most importantly, sustainability of natural resources.

Sustainability is a crucial aspect of helping to meet our current environmental, social, and economic needs and desires without compromising future generations’ resources. Read more